Salish Sea Matriarchs," © 2007 Odin Lonning, Tlingit
Cutout, carved Western red cedar panel, 18" diameter

Odin's design honors matriarchs of Puget Sound's endangered killer whale population, the Southern Resident Community.

The salmon in the body of the top whale signifies the fish-eating diet of the Southern Residents, consisting of J, K, and L Pods.

In 2007 Granny (J2), Lummi (K7), and Ocean Sun (L25) were the eldest females in each pod. 90-something Granny is the oldest Southern Resident orca. Ocean Sun is about 80.

Beloved Lummi, also 90-ish, died in 2008. Like Tlingit society, killer whale society is matrilineal; these precious Pod Elders are culture bearers and vital purveyors of Indigenous wisdom about survival in the Salish Sea, the traditional territory of Southern Resident orcas for thousands of years.

Description by Orca Annie Stateler (Choctaw/Five Tribes) & Odin Lonning (Tlingit)

This carving is available for $550.
Proceeds benefit the Vashon Hydrophone Project.
Layaway welcome, please contact Odin at 206-463-9041